Xpressnet™ - Command Extensions for Clock

Messages from the Client

    Commandlist for Clock Xpressnet Message (Extension)
    0x0* 0xF2 [XOR]   Query Clock Message
    0x0* 0xF1 MIN HOUR WDAY ACC [XOR]   Set Clock Message, MIN and HOUR decribes the time, WDAY the day inside the week, ACC acceleration, coding see below.

Messages from the Command Station

    Commandlist for Clock Xpressnet Message (Extension)
    0x05 0xF1 MIN HOUR WDAY ACC [XOR]   Clock Message, MIN and HOUR denotes the time, WDAY the day inside the week, ACC acceleration.

Coding of Minutes, Hours, Weekday and Acceleration

    Clock Coding
    ByteOP-Code (bin)RangeOperation
    MIN 00mmmmmm mmmmmm = minute, range 0...59
    HOUR 100HHHHH HHHHH = hour, range 0...23
    WDAY 01000www www = day of week, 0=monday, 1=tuesday, 2=wednesday, 3=thursday, 4=friday, 5=saturday, 6=sunday.
    ACC 110fffff fffff = acceleration, range 0...31; fffff = 0 denotes clock is stopped, a resume after a stop shall start with a transmission of the acceleration factor. A change of acceleration is only allowed during a resume.