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GBM OpPanel


      The Operating Panel so-called "OpPanel" is a component of the OpenDCC for BiDiB.
      Thanks to its powerful ATM ATxmega128A1 OpPanel can accomodate up to four applications ( as it is now) which are GBM Monitoring, display for turntable decoder, standalone programmer and small command station ( similar to MFT).
      OpPanel is connected to one of the trak_proc connector onto GBMBoost using a 6 pins flap ribbon cable. OpPanel interfaces itself also with Xpressnet and BiDiB.
      It is powered from GBMBoost or from the FTDI debug port (Future Technology Devices International).
      The board comes with an JTAG header, a 6 pin bootheader (Atmel standard). This bootheader is also accessible from the FTDI USB chip.
      The board is operated with a navimec (four arrows and a center), a stop, a shift, as well as a rotary encoder and four soft keys.
      ¿ The board is completely in SMD and 64 * 24mm sized. ?




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    There are different applications for the board, these are selected by soft keys situated under the display. As you can see on the above picture of "welcome screen", at power up they are: GBM, TURN, PROG, DRIVE.

  • GBM Monitoring:
    In this mode of the OpPanel a first screen "GBM Monitor" will display info about the GBMBoost: Status, booster state, CS (Command Station) state and some diagnostic values: Volt of power supply, Current drain from the supply and Temperature of the booster output circuit.
  • Display for turntable decoder:
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  • Standalone programmer:
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  • Small command station:
    As basically the software is reused from MFT, and as the hardware is nearly the same. This mode will be highly similar to MFT.


    After connecting the board to the USB/FTDI, the operating system show up a new serial port. Attach a terminal program to this port (baudrate 115200, 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop (=8N1)). Now you should be able to issue commands to the OpPanel. Start with '?' to ask for version and help


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HTerm excellent terminal program